about us

idreamt is a vast and comprehensive website dedicated to artists and art enthusiasts, or simply art. Our goal and joy is to link a sea of art lovers looking for 'the one' piece of art with artists who are exactly the individuals these art lovers are looking for, and their art, regardless of who they are or where they come from. We wish to create art about captivating souls and hearts once more; a thrilling experience for both ends, as well as a bridge for the same.

as the world gets more capitalistic, art no longer serves as a simple method of calming our minds or rousing our brains and hearts; it no longer serves as a means of connecting with something that stirs our spirit and speaks out to us.

art is now used to demonstrate one's social standing and riches. unfortunately, art is reduced to its monetary value. Who determines the monetary value? of course, the artist's fame and how many well-known artists are there? not enough, in our humble opinion.

many brilliant painters are acknowledged for their expertise and talent. however, it is also a fact that thousands, if not millions, of artists who haven't gotten their 'big break' and haven't yet been recognised will most likely continue to battle against the famous few. here is where we come in. we have room for any and all artists.

i realize…

art is a powerful tool. it can take us to places we haven’t been to, evoke visuals we didn’t think we could visualize, and hear tunes that don’t exist. it can free us from our physical constraints and mental constraints. it can elevate a deeply anchored pain. and it is this that idreamt tries to be all about. a soul stirring and freeing experience, where art elevates one and all. idreamt is a canvas of shared dreams.

In summarize…

idreamt is a self-sustaining social entrepreneurship venture, that provides any and all artists an avenue to showcase their creativity and a place where art lovers find their dream art pieces. we dream of idreamt becoming the go-to e-commerce page in the field of visual arts and we wish to create an inclusive art bazaar for passionate artists and art lovers.

in simpler terms, we sell art, any and all forms of painting, sketching, sculpting, crafts and handicrafts to a large audience. we invite artists to upload their works and invite them to meet on-demand art commissions from clients who wish to get a specific work done from a specific artist. we also call students to showcase their talents. we initiate social workshops, and we even invite reselling of art works.

we ask you to join us as we navigate through art, connecting, healing and business. may this be a pleasant experience.